We understand that all children grow and learn at their own pace. Because of this, our classrooms are divided based on both age and skill level. Each of our classrooms has its own curriculum and schedule designed specifically for the children in it.
The preschool and school age classrooms use "study based" curriculum which is where we simply study what the kids are interested in. We really dive into each topic, exploring every aspect of it. The 2 and under classrooms choose themes and then use the Kaplan Learn Everyday Curriculum. We very much believe that children learn through play, more specifically, through play that uses all 5 of their senses.

Our Classrooms
Eeyore's Infants
6 weeks - 18 months
The children in this room essentially run the show - eating, sleeping, and napping on demand. We focus on development in our infant room. We spend a lot of time on tummy time and various games that help build their muscles. The teachers in this room talk to the kids, cuddle them, play games with them, and go for walks (weather permitting) in one of our two four-person strollers. Eeyore's Infants room can hold 8 infants with 2 teachers.
Winnie's Walkers
12 months - 2 years
This room is for children that are learning to be more stable on their feet. These kiddos are being taught to follow the center's schedule - having mealtime and rest time when the rest of the center does. They do a lot of sensory play, outdoor time & walks (when the weather permits), and work on table manners (using a utensils, drinking from a cup, etc.). This room follows the Kaplan Learn Everyday Curriculum. This room has space for 8 kids with 2 teachers.
Roo's Twos
2 - 3 years
The children here are fully on our schedule for nap and meals. The teachers in this room begin working on potty training, go for walks, "play" in learning centers with their peers, sensory play, and outdoor play. This room follows the Kaplan Learn Everyday Curriculum. After lunch, they begin working on brushing their teeth. Smile Squad visits this group 2 times a year for free fluoride treatments. This room has space for 12 kids with 2 teachers.

Kanga's Kids
5 - 12 years
During school, we help with homework, do the ADM-required 20 minutes of reading per day, teacher-led discussion, and independent play. In the summer, we follow a theme, often chosen by the children. We do large and small group activities, "studies" based on the kids' interests, cooking activities, and care for a vegetable garden (prepare, plant, and harvest). We join our local library's summer reading program and go on several center-paid field trips. This room has space for 15 kids and one teacher.
Tigger's Threes
3 - 4 years
These kids (ideally) are fully potty trained and can begin going on some of the field trips that we do. The teachers in this room still follow the Kaplan Learn Everyday Curriculum, participate in both large and small group activities, learning centers, sensory and outdoor play, and basic cooking activities. The Smile Squad also visits this group 2 times a year for free fluoride treatments. This room has space for 10 children and one teacher.
Piglets's Preschool
4 - 5 years
The teacher in this room really focuses on school readiness. We have a literacy consultant that comes every 2 weeks, a music teacher that comes in, several field trips, a Smile Squad that visits twice a year for free fluoride treatments. We partake in tooth brushing after breakfast and lunch, center play, name writing, cutting, and sensory play. We do large and small group activities and "studies" based on what the kids are interested in. This room has 12 kids and one teacher.